What To Expect Before and After A Facelift

By: Dr. Shoib Myint


Every individual has different concerns as they age. However, plastic surgeons often hear the same complaints from women and men about facial aging, such as wrinkles, looking tired all the time, and loss of volume and skin elasticity. Facelift procedures have been around for decades in the aesthetic world. However, you likely have questions about facelift preparation and what you can expect during the recovery period. The experienced team at Myint Oculo Facial Plastic Surgery, led by world-renowned, Oculo Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Shoib Myint, offers the latest facelift techniques available in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV to help patients achieve stunning, natural-looking results.

Have you been considering a facelift?

Although the motivation for plastic surgery may differ, in most cases, men and women want to look younger and feel more confident about their appearance. As individuals reach their 40s, facial skin begins to change. Collagen production decreases, causing the skin to become thinner and youthful contours to diminish. Static lines and wrinkles become more prevalent as sagging skin takes over. Stress, sun exposure, and even a person's genetics are all factors that play a role in how we age. Facial rejuvenation with a facelift can take years off a person's appearance. With today's surgical advancements, there are now variations of facial contouring to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten loose skin while providing Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV patients longer-lasting results.

How do I prepare for facelift surgery?

When patients are considering plastic surgery, it is essential to feel good about yourself, be emotionally in the right place, and make sure your motivation is self-driven and not for someone else. A facelift is a surgical procedure, and there are some steps to take for facelift preparation to help with a smoother recovery.

  • Make sure your recovery space is organized and prepped with favorite shows cued up, chargers easily accessible, and reading materials ready.
  • Ensure you have help from close family and friends lined up for the first week.
  • Place ice in freezer bags to help with swelling and bruising when home.
  • Prefill prescription medications to be ready before your surgical day.
  • Have comfortable, button-down shirts readily available to wear.

What can I expect after a facelift?

Although it will take a few months to begin seeing your final facelift results, the recovery process will take less time. However, there are different types of facelift procedures, and every patient's recovery may vary depending on the following factors:

  • Health status before surgery
  • Age
  • Type of facelift procedure

Generally, in most post-surgical facelift situations, patients will experience swelling and bruising for about 2 – 3 weeks, which will start to subside after a few days. Facelift incisions will be covered up with bandages to begin the healing process and they will be removed at a patient's first follow-up appointment. Keeping follow-up appointments with Dr. Myint is imperative, as he will need to check on your progress and how you are healing during those first few weeks. Most patients can typically begin enjoying their new facelift results in about 8 – 12 weeks.

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is effective at combating the signs of aging. Men and women who have problems with sagging skin or jowls and unwanted wrinkles can opt to have this cosmetic procedure to help achieve a natural, more youthful look. You can have a smoother recovery if you take the proper steps and are prepared beforehand, even starting with finding the right plastic surgeon. To learn more about this life-changing cosmetic procedure at Myint Oculo Facial Plastic Surgery, we invite you to contact our office to schedule a facelift consultation with Dr. Shoib Myint at one of our premier surgical centers in Beverly Hills, CA or Las Vegas, NV.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.